Some Super Cool Frozen Foods In UAE

Published on: Aug 27, 2022
Frozen foods are all about healthy foods that are frozen without losing their quality at any point in time. Have you tried frozen products at any point in time? Today, technology has made life so convenient that you can purchase frozen food online in the best packaging and get it delivered to your doorstep. If health can be so affordable and time saving, this is a great option that every working person should look into.
Chicken Puff The classic chicken puff never fails to impress us at any age. Stock your freezer with the right frozen food in uae so that you never go hungry at the last hour of midnight.  These chicken puffs are lightly spiced, baked, and then frozen well. You just need to follow the reheating instructions and enjoy fluffy puffs any time.


Next, we can’t miss our craving for the triangle shaped crisp snack that is great for brunch, tea time, or even as your midnight study companion. The frozen samosas are filled with cheese, vegetables, meat, egg, and chicken and are great for all ages.

Meat Kibbeh

Who can resist the golden brown meat kibbeh? This frozen meaty delight is not only filling, and nutritious, but the frozen version will reduce your time in the kitchen.  Try this once, and you will love it. In case you have lost time by working overtime, all you need to do is fry a couple, have a drink, and watch your favorite show on TV.

Zaatar Croissants

Zaatar is a herb spice of nuts and spice powders that are carefully layered onto the Arabic bread and lavishly smeared with olive oil and baked to get that rustic, nutty, savory flavor. These are croissants delicately layered with the zaatar mix and baked until golden brown. The frozen ones will easily fluff up and make your home so aromatic.

Danish Cinnamon Roll

You are entering a luxury zone once you enjoy these melt in the mouth frozen Danish Cinnamon Roll. Add a couple of them to your breakfast and your morning confusion is fixed for good. With such quality frozen food in UAE, health will never go for a trial.

Frozen Parotta (Indian Bread)

If you are in India, this fluffy bread is a must have in every special meal. Thanks to frozen technology, this bread is easily available now in the Emirates. Most people do not try to make it as the process can be quite lengthy. So, you can have layered bread in a matter of minutes. Serve this frozen parotta with your dal curry, or meat chops, and see how tasty it will be.

Cheese Spring Rolls

Love your cheese? Then grab these cheese filled frozen spring rolls! They are addictive and your children will have tasty and nutritious snacks with no guilt at all. You can fry them or bake these frozen versions to cut down the oil factor.

Kunafa stuffed with Cream

Every meal has to end with a touch of yummy sweetness and that is what brought the delicious frozen Kunafa stuffed with Cream into our list. This lovely dessert may seem native to the Emirates, but it has been loved by people worldwide. If you have a surprise dinner party, end it with this gooey kunafa dessert and wow your crowd at home.